PhD Don Hubert

PhD Don Hubert
PhD Hubert is founder and President of Resources for Development Consulting. His work seeks to assist resource-rich developing countries in securing a fair share of extractive sector wealth by analyzing contracts and fiscal regimes, modeling past and potential future government revenue, and assessing risks to future government revenues.
PhD Hubert has 15 years experience working on the extractive sector with roles including Deputy Chair of the Kimberley Process in 2004 and advisor to UN Representative on Business and Human Rights. From 2011 through 2014 he lived in Mozambique where he analyzed the extractive sector for the government, donors and civil society organizations.
He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. He worked for more than a decade at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Canada and spent four years as Associate Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa.
Thomas Mitro Thomas Mitro has been a Senior Associate with R4D since 2019. He has more than 40 years’ experience in petroleum financial, commercial, and government-related activities. For the last 15 years he has been an advisor and trainer to governments and national oil companies in Africa and Asia. He has been a long-term advisor to the Angolan national oil company on commercial, fiscal, financing and governance issues for their natural gas and LNG projects. He was a Co-Founder of the Graduate Certificate in Global Energy, Development and Sustainability at the University of Houston. He holds a BS in business administration and an MA in economics from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, USA.
Paul Olmsted Paul Olmsted has been providing advisory services to Resources for Development since 2015. He has been an executive in the mining industry for more than 15 years and active in the sector for 30 years. He has been instrumental in the technical evaluation, financial analysis and structuring for corporate transactions totaling nearly $10 billion. Mr. Olmsted is a graduate of Queen’s University in Canada with a B.Sc. in mining engineering and a Master of Business Administration. He has provided technical support for Resources for Development Consulting work in support of First Nations on specific claim negotiations with the federal government, on revenue sharing negotiations with mining companies, on our analysis of the NWT mining fiscal regime, and on international mining projects in the Dominican Republic, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Paul Olmsted has extensive experience in structuring royalty agreements for a publicly traded royalty company. His corporate development activities involved reviewing all royalty agreements as part of due diligence processes for assets or corporate reviews, given their significant impact on project economics.
Daniel Dumas has been a Senior Associate of Resources for Development Consulting since 2015. He has over 25 years of experience assisting more than 20 countries in addressing challenges in the petroleum, mining and energy sectors. For seven years, Dumas was Head of Economic & Legal Section of the Commonwealth Secretariat, assisting member countries on policy, legal and fiscal issues before joining the IMF’s Natural Resources group. Dumas has extensive experience in policy and organizational analysis, capacity building, resource governance and regulatory design, fiscal regimes and tax administration. He has an undergraduate degree in Financial Economics and a Master in Applied Economics / MBA.
Felipe Botelho Tavares (PhD) Felipe has been a senior associate with Resources for Development Consulting (R4D) since 2020. He has more than 10 years working in petroleum, energy and climate-related research and consultancies, advising institutions on policies and regulations through economic analysis and market research. For the past five years he has worked at the Brazilian Petroleum Institute (IBP) monitoring legal and regulatory frameworks, and performing economic impact analyses. He has been a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia University and holds a Ph.D. from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Philippe le Billon conducts research bringing together political geography, political ecology, and war studies. His work focuses on natural resources including links to armed conflicts, the resource curse, corruption, as well as natural disasters and political crises. He has extensive fieldwork experience in South East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Le Billon holds a DPhil from the University of Oxford and is currently a Professor in the Department of Geography and the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
Luís Francisco Pereira Rosa is a statutory auditor and CEO of Rosa, Correia & Associados, sroc, S.A. in Portugal. He has extensive experience auditing international oil companies, petroleum joint ventures, public / private companies and institutional entities in Portugal, Angola and Mozambique. Mr. Rosa has conducted contractual audits concerning recoverable costs of oil concessions for Angolan blocks operated by BP Sonangol and TOTAL. He has taught seminars on internal and external audit and on petroleum cost recovery proceedings under production sharing agreements. Mr. Rosa has a degree in Business Management (1981) from the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE), he is a statutory auditor (1990) and a chartered accountant in Portugal (1983), and an accountant and a statutory auditor in Angola (2013).
Charlotte Boyer Charlotte Boyer has been an Associate at R4D since 2019. She has seven years of experience working for more transparent and responsible oil, gas, and mining sectors. She has experience conducting research on oil and gas contracts and providing capacity building support on EITI implementation. She holds master’s degrees in political science. Her mother-tongue is French, and she is fluent in English.
Rachel Etter-Phoya has been an associate of Resources for Development Consulting since 2016. She has worked on the extractives industries for more than five years, with a focus on Malawi. She served as a CIM Integrated Expert with Citizens for Justice in Lilongwe focused on extractives and public financial management, and sat on the Malawi Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative Multi-Stakeholder Group. Previously she worked as a Senior Revenue Specialist with the Revenue Development Foundation in Malawi’s Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Rural Development from the Royal Agricultural University, United Kingdom.