International Projects

Securing a fair share 

We authored Many Ways to Lose a Billion, outlining case studies that demonstrate how natural resource companies only pay a small fraction of what they owe.
Read the report in English
Read the report in French

LNG and sovereign wealth fund development 

We advise the government of Mozambique in developing a Sovereign Wealth Fund. This fund will ensure future generations benefit from their natural resource wealth.
Read the report 

Capacity building for Indigenous leaders

We provided analysis and capacity building for regional petroleum revenue sharing in a marginalized region of northern Kenya. This included training Indigenous leaders and community representatives.
Read the analysis 

Auditing natural resource companies

We support governments in auditing natural resource companies, including: auditing $1.7 billion of petroleum exploration expenses in Kenya and the review of mineral auditing capacity in Kenya and Tanzania.

Expert witness in historic oil corruption case

We acted as an expert witness for the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (their equivalent of the FBI) to quantify future revenue loss to the Nigerian state.
Read the report 
BBC News coverage
Coverage in Nigeria’s The Nation

Learn about our Canadian projects

Helping Indigenous communities get a fair share of their natural resource wealth